That way, if you need any help with a particular function you can ask specific questions instead of asking vague infomationless questions. IE check mob health and write that function. Conquer - cheats - bots walktrough - free server Resource for hacks - bots - cheats & online private server - high rates - no lag - no fees - free to play. My suggestion would be to start from scratch and build functions one at a time. I have managed to get the bot to attack monsters using pixel search, however I am restricted to using it on the energy bar of the MOB i am killing, the problem remains that when my character not quite kills the MOB on the game, it stops because the red bar I have pixel id'd doesnt recognize it after the colour is gone and needs one more hit to kill the MOB.can you put more than one pixel identifier in the script so that my script can choose between two colours? Well I have scoured the forum and looks like text identifiers are out for this game of conquer, my next battle is that I have manged to use and modify an old bot that was on this site, I have changed some of the actions due to the fact that characters are exptected to do certain things and attack differently.